On the left hand side, select Contact Centre and then 'login to Contact Center control panel'
Note: If you have not recently logged into this seperate portal you may need to login again using the same admin credentials.
Click on External Data
Here you have two options represented by a written page and pen & notepad icon:
Important - you cannot add or append to existing data - only delete and replace the existing data file with a new one.
You can do both parts of this process inside the edit icon.
Click the pen & notepad edit icon which will take you to a screen containing all the existing data:
If you need a correctly formatted CSV file, you can export here and use that.
You must now 'Clear Table' to delete all the existing data and Import your new list.
Your new list should look and be formatted like this:
The first two columns will be the same and the HG column represents the final destination of the call (as opposed to the default ring all hunt group for all calls).
The final column of notes is purely for administrators of this sheet - it will not be seen anywhere else in the system. This is a good place to note a reference to the user's name or organisation.
If the file is successfully uploaded it will be instantly used by the Elevate phone system and be shown on the Table Settings page.