Each time you login to the Mobile app, if you have not already synchonrised your personal, mobile contacts, you will be asked again if you wish to synchronise.

Sync Contacts from Primary Elevate mobile app to all Elevate applications

After contacts from your mobile device are synced, they could be populated across all the Elevate applications: Desktop and Mobile. In order to start synchronization from Elevate mobile app navigate to My Account > Sync contacts to Elevate.

Once the synchronization is enabled on the mobile device, this device will become the Primary device for the Elevate user. This means that local contacts only from this Primary device will be synced to other Elevate apps.


  • if you attempt to enable sync in Elevate mobile app on an additional device you will receive a warning that contacts are already syncing from another device (Primary). If you proceed with the sync on the additional device, contacts synced from the original Primary mobile device will be removed from all Desktop and Mobile applications.
  • to be able to sync contacts successfully, the amount of contacts must be less than ~7 000.

If there is an issue with contact sync, check whether sync is enabled and what is the current status: When Sync Contacts to Elevate displays Enabled, there is a message about successful sync “Last sync was…”). Changes are frequently pushed to the server. To push updates to server use the Sync now option.


Editing/removing a personal contact

Personal contact, created in Elevate app, could be changed or removed from any Elevate application, Desktop or Mobile, to which it has been populated. Changes will be reflected on all Elevate apps.

Personal contact, synced from mobile, could only be changed on the Primary device (on which it was created). In this case native Address Book of the device will be opened and contact will be changed both in Elevate mobile app and in the local Address Book.

Disable Synched Contacts to Elevate and remove previously synced contacts

If you would like contacts from your mobile device to be available within Elevate mobile app on this device, but no longer to be synced to your other Elevate application follow the steps below:

  1. From Elevate mobile app navigate to My account > Sync Contacts to Elevate.
  2. Toggle Sync Contacts to Elevate to inactive state.




If you disable sync on the same device on which you previously enabled it, synced contacts will be deleted from the server and all other Elevate applications. They will be available under Personal contacts in the Elevate mobile app only on that device.

Note: ensure that contact sync stays disabled on this device. If it gets enabled, the contacts will be synced again.

If you want to remove the contacts from the Personal contacts on the same device, disable the Elevate app access to contacts. To do that, reverse the step 3 from the Sync Contacts from local Address Book to Elevate mobile app section.

In More Detail:

Review Contacts list

Elevate Mobile App provides the following types of contacts: 

  • Business (Shared Company Contacts)
  • Personal
  • Conference Bridges
    You might add information about your Conference Bridge and it will be stored in the app as a special type of contact.



Tap Conference bridges at the top of the screen.Tap the Contacts at the top of the screen and then tap the Conference Bridges option.

Conference bridges Andr

Conference Bridges iOS

Read the Knowledge Base article on Elevate Apps: Contacts for more details on Contacts.

To review Contact details, tap on the string with contact information.




Note: if a contact has several numbers you may want to default one of them by tapping the Set Primary selection on the contact information tab.

Create Personal contact


Add contact

Add Contact iOS

Contacts created in the Elevate app on your mobile device will be automatically synchronized to all your Elevate apps. Refer to the Knowledge Base article Elevate Apps: Managing Personal Contacts for more information.

Note: contacts that already exist on your mobile device in the native Address Book or in other apps, such as Microsoft 365, Google, Outlook, etc, could be synchronized to all your Elevate applications. Read the Knowledge Base article on Sync Contacts to Elevate from Outlook, Microsoft 365, iCloud, and Google contacts for more information.

Add Contacts to favorites

Contacts added to Favorites will be displayed on top of the contact list on the Contacts tab.

Note: once One-on-One Chat is marked as Favorite in the Desktop app, the user with whom you have that conversation will be displayed as Favorited on the Contacts tab in the Mobile application. At the same time, One-on-One Chat itself and Channels marked as Favorite in the Desktop app will not be prioritized on the Chats tab in the Mobile application. 


